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The idea of an education foundation was first conceived by the Flint Board of Education in 2004 during the administration of Superintendent Dr. Felix Chow. In 2005, the Board of Education appointed a committee to explore the feasibility of an education foundation for the Flint Community Schools. They retained the Sweeney Group of Madison, Wisconsin to work with the committee and together they conducted a feasibility study.

The Planning Committee was created in June 2005 and was chaired by Harriet Kenworthy, whose leadership and involvement continued through 2018. The Education Foundation’s Planning Committee included the following members: William Churchill; Dolores Ennis; Ken Henderson; Harriet Kenworthy, Chair; Sylvester Jones; Tom Landaal; Anne Nichols; and Doris Thomas.

Gail Ganakas from the Flint Community Schools served as an Administrative Liaison. Later, Eugene Rutledge, Chief of Academics, and Linda Thompson, Chief of Schools, also participated, representing the Flint Community Schools.

The Committee drafted a mission statement in August 2005, and began developing bylaws, working on a vision statement and a statement of core beliefs. The mission, vision and beliefs statements were presented in February 2006.

In February 26, 2007, the feasibility study report was issued. The Board of Education passed a resolution endorsing the establishment and support of an independent education foundation for the Flint Community Schools.

In September 2007, the organization was formally established, incorporated in the State of Michigan, and an application with the IRS for tax-exempt status was filed. Bylaws were adopted on September 26, 2007.

The founding mission statement was “To acquire and distribute resources to support the Flint Community Schools’ programs and projects that will enrich learning opportunities for students, staff and the community.”

The IRS granted tax-exempt status under the IRS Code Section 501c3 in December 2007.

The founding mission statement was “To acquire and distribute resources to support the Flint Community Schools’ programs and projects that will enrich learning opportunities for students, staff and the community.”